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On Tue, 19 Sep 2000 08:00:27 +0200, Avenarius wrote:

A> I sure don't know what buttons are available because I don't use any
A> toolbars and I removed all of them from all the Bat! screens. If
A> there's something I hate it's toolbars. In applications that you only
A> use once a week they're handy but with one's favourite everyday (or
A> even every-hour) tools they just get in the way.

I've basically done that with Forte' Agent but not yet with TB!. A lot
of the keyboard shortcuts are too tedious. :-)

A> Thank heavens you can at least get rid of all toolbars in The Bat!,
A> even though keyboard shortcuts only work with about 50 % efficiency.

50%? I know that there are inconsistencies but 50%. :-) You're upset
aren't you? :-)

A> As to details about toolbars, please ask Allie who was explaining
A> something to Karin.

The only thing that you can do with TB! toolbars is move them to
different parts of the window. Just hold the toolbar and drag it around.
When the frame suddenly gets skinny, it means that the toolbar is
dock-able at the present location. It will dock at the edges of the
windows and other places as well. You may even have the toolbars float
because they will remember their positions.

A> I wrote this to the list before -- please bear with me, those who've
A> already read this. When the cursor is located in the message preview
A> window, THE two keyboard shortcuts that I need most in that very
A> message preview window, are disabled. Namely, Go to Next Message =
A> CTRL+ARROW-DOWN (is disfunctional), and Go to Previous Message =
A> CTRL+ARROW-UP (is disfunctional as well).

This is true and I've brought this up before myself.

A> Why?

I'm battling over this myself. :-)

A> If they can function in the reader window, shouldn't they function in
A> the preview window as well?

My logic runs along the same vein.

A> The same goes for moving or copying messages. (Moving or copying the
A> entire message, not a selected piece of text.) Once the cursor is
A> located in the message preview window, or *even in the main reader
A> window*, the keyboard shortcuts CTRL+V (Move Message to Folder...) or
A> CTRL+C (Copy Message to Folder...) are disfunctional.

Urhm, now this is different. CTRL+C and CTRL+V copy and paste text, so
if you are in the message body area, they'll adopt those functions.
Highlight the message in the message list and they'll do as you desire
above (ie, copy and move the message to another folder). This is
consistent throughout.

A> Once again, I sorely need these two commands precisely in those
A> preview or reader windows, *not* really in the message list window
A> where the shortcuts are currently functional.

But CTRL-C will copy text blocks. There's a conflict there. They should
not have used conflicting shortcuts. It's untidy to me. They should have
used unconflicting shortcuts so that they could work whether or not the
message body or the message list is in focus.

A> Of course, the ideal thing would be, as in EditPlus or MS Word, if
A> each user could configure his or her own keyboard shortcuts, for each
A> and every command in The Bat. This really shouldn't be too difficult
A> for the programmers to enable. Twenty years from now we'll all be
A> laughing at the fact that there used to be a time when this was *not*
A> possible. However, I'd rather not wait that long. 8-|

This is a upcoming version 2 feature. :-/ I know, it's beginning to
sound like a broken record but that's really all I can say. :-)

A> Pegasus is the king of them all in this respect: press a *single* key,

So is Forte' Agent. :-)

- --
A. Curtis Martin..
Moderator TBUDL/TBBETA  |  PGP Key ID: 0xEE079937
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** "A life lived in fear is half a life lived. "
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