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On Tue, 19 Sep 2000 18:32:26 +0100, Deryk Lister wrote:

DL> How long's that been lurking there? All this time and I never
DL> noticed it ;)

Probably just as well because I may raise your hopes and then you try
entering some of your own text immediately above a quoted paragraph and
WHAMMO!!, the quoted paragraph below is wrapped with the text you're
entering. To fix that, *immediately* stop typing <vbg>, and hit
<alt><BackSpace> to undo the mess. After a few of these infuriating
episodes you will one day either throw up your arms in frustration and
turn the option off or get the hang of ensuring that a blank line
separates you from the paragraph above and the one below before you
start typing a new paragraph. The latter happened to me and I have still
since turned it off anyway. :-(

DL> I do see what you mean :-) There are times when I leave a line and
DL> times when I don't depending on how important I think it is to start
DL> a new paragraph... time to adapt or leave it :)

Pretty much!

DL> Courier new is nice enough for me!

Yukky. :-) I have quite a collection here:
Lucida Sans Typ - my choice at present.
Lucida Sans Typewriter
Oloron Condensed
BSU-Kermit and BSU-Kermit Medium
Andale Mono

You may visit this link http://home.bsu.edu/prn/monofont/index.html to
get at some other fonts.

- --
A. Curtis Martin..
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