Hi All,

On  Tue,  4 Sep 2001 at 09:40:40 GMT +0100 (9/4/2001 3:40 PM GMT +0700
where  you think I live) "Marck D Pearlstone"=[MDP]typed the following

SH>> You may put it on body text (greetings).
SH>> Threading mode makes us seeing this more easy.

> Yes, but you're back to having to read the message to find out who's
> being spoken to rather than seeing it from the address.

If we're watching some threads or we are author of threads, it worth
to do that :-)

SH>> On  other  Mailing  List,  I  found Pine or Mutt users replied my
SH>> posting  with  "His  Own Name on List Name <List_address>" or IOW
SH>> his  mailer  keep  "our  fancy"  Real  Name  part intact, this is
SH>> ridiculous and makes really annoying other members :-(

> But if I understand you correctly then it's ridiculous anyway. Their
> mailer will reply with <list_address> instead.

I know, and to change it's default need some advance technic.

If we feel that we have more flexible Mailer, better to do a favour
for others members.
In  these  case,  I  completely  agree  with  Nick Andriash, please do
standard/basic  rule  on  public  list  : No Real Name Reply, No Reply
Counter,  No  Fancy  QuoteStyle. I do hope this can be default setting
for TB!.

SH>> IMHO,  point  number 1 above is the job of Thread Watcher (on the
SH>> wish list).

> I have that working already, although there's no way to differentiate
> a reply to our thread from an actual reply to me personally.

Triggering Mail ticker too ?

Best regards,

- Syafril -               mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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