Hello Anne

 Thank you for your email dated Tuesday, November 12, 2002, 3:33:09 PM, in which you

A> ...many of the great little fast proggies we use are written in
A> assembler as well so we're already fans of this. In fact both my son
A> and I would love to fathom out how to write this ourselves (eyeing 2
A> books on Assembler on the bookshelf over the PC).

If you are interested, have a look at www.grc.com in general and
http://grc.com/smgassembly.htm in particular.

All Gibson's software is written in assembler and it flies. It's a huge
site, lots to read, especially concerning security. He is *very*
outspoken and I think you either love him or hate him! There's some good
freeware stuff there too.



 Flying with The Bat!  www.ritlabs.com/the_bat 
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