Scott Johnson wrote...

>I don't run Norton antivirus, but I don't believe it protects against
>outgoing connections.  It can scan for a virus on your system or to
>see if there is one in an outbound Email(?) which is good, but that
>doesn't protect against a virus that has snuck through the defenses
>(such as a new one could before you get Norton updated). 

It does check outbound mail for viruses, yes. But in any case, does 
anyone know of a virus that can send itself to people in your 
address book if you are using The Bat!? {On-topic warning!!} The 
only ones I've heard of depend on Outlook.

As for outgoing connections, I don't want to stop them entirely, not 
when it is at the expense of running useful programs like 

John De Hoog

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