Hello Anne,

Tuesday, November 12, 2002, 7:51:24 PM, you wrote:

A> Tuesday, November 12, 2002, 5:08:34 PM, William wrote in message
A> mid:302427800.20021112170834@;dsl.pipex.com

WM>> If you are interested, have a look at www.grc.com in general and
WM>> http://grc.com/smgassembly.htm in particular.

WM>> All Gibson's software is written in assembler and it flies. It's a huge
WM>> site, lots to read, especially concerning security. He is *very*
WM>> outspoken and I think you either love him or hate him! There's some good
WM>> freeware stuff there too.

A> Thanks again William - yes we're fans of Steve Gibson also - have been
A> since his first Aureate spyware detector came out.  You're right that
A> his stiuff is neat and again fast.  It was there that I first read
A> about Assembler but it was before he put the page you gave the link
A> for up, so I hadn't seen that. I have now and thanks again - it's very
A> interesting, and I think we'll been trying some of this very soon! :-)

I think www.grcsucks.com explains my position on the gentlemen in
question. He is a slick marketing person and that is about it. No one
in respected security circles has any respect for him. What a fraud.

Best regards,

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