Scott Johnson wrote...

>The problem with not running a software firewall of some sort is that
>you have no controll over your OUTGOING internet connection.
>Zonealarm and Tiny Personal Firewall both do this and if you do become
>infected with a virus (bite my tongue) the firewall will notify you
>when the virus *tries* to blast all your friends in your address book.
>It also helps you to see if spyware is trying to phone home. Spyware
>is THICK in shareware programs these days...
>If you have a neat nifty way to make Windows do that without help then
>I'd love to hear about it...honestly.

For outgoing protection: Norton Anti-Virus.

For general protection, a *hardware* firewall built into my LAN 
router, as well as the firewall built into Windows XP.

None of these ever sends out false warnings when some Windows service 
is just doing its job, which is what really irks me about ZA.

As for Spyware, I generally avoid programs that depend on it, but am 
not concerned about every contact between software and a license 
server, for example, which is a legitimate way to stop piracy. There 
is a lot of hysteria on the Internet, and Steve Gibson is responsible 
for his fair share of it.

John De Hoog

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