Howdy subscriber2list,

Wednesday, June 30, 2004, 8:19:55 PM, subscriber2list wrotened:

subscriber2list> Well,  I  guess  I  should have been over on the tbot
subscriber2list> thread, huh?

You  were asking a question about how to use the bat.. Seemed on topic
for this list.

subscriber2list> how does RIT price all these upgrades? What I mean is
subscriber2list> ...  every time there is a new release, does one have
subscriber2list> to pay for the upgrade?

MB>> If you want this handy routine, you could try upgrading. It's free to
MB>> all 2.xx users.

subscriber2list> I'm not quite sure I understand ...
subscriber2list> the handy routine is free if I
subscriber2list> upgrade?  Do I pay for the "actual
subscriber2list> upgrade", i.e., from Version 2.00.x
subscriber2list> to Version 2.11.x?  I would think
subscriber2list> so, but since I haven't been into
subscriber2list> upgrading very much, I most certainly do not know.

 The only time i had to pay to upgrade was when the bat went from 1.xx
 to  2.xx.  All  the other times i have upgrade it has been free... it
 will  be  for  you  too. If you upgrade from 2.00.x to 2.11.x or even
 2.12.x  it  is  FREE.  no charge. Ritlabs dont charge for these minor
 upgrades.  They  try  and  use  these  update  for  bug fixes and new

Have Fun,
|>      |>
|>en is |\ohop



crashing The Bat! v2.12 Beta/1
falling out of mid air with Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 1 

You can lead a fool to wisdom but you can't make him think.

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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