Hello subscriber2list!

On Wednesday, June 30, 2004, 3:30 PM, you wrote:

MB>> Sorry about the ambiguous construction ...

s> I don't think you were ambiguous ... I just always like to confirm
s> "what I think I've read" ... possibly a bad habit on my part.

I myself regard it as a very *good* habit.


MB>> I would dearly love to banter with you here, but I already have too
MB>> bad a reputation for long posts.

s> Hey, bantering is an art form ... just not always desirable on an
s> email list, so ... I'll try not to also.

No, no, a little levity is okay here. The moderators will tell us when
we need to take it to TBOT or PM. :)

MB>> I didn't hang back from this thread out of a desire to be mean. I just
MB>> felt shy, in case I didn't fully understand what was being talked
MB>> about. I also have a pretty good reputation for getting my foot in my
MB>> mouth, here and elsewhere. :) And for rambling and getting OT.

s> Oooooh, sounds like me ... we could be the "dynamic duo" that Marck,
s> Lief, et al wonder "Why are they using The Bat!"  Just kidding, guys
s> (and gals)!

They know why *I'm* using The Bat!--because it's absolutely the best
e-mail client in the known universe!

MB>> Subscriber2list, would you consider subscribing to TBOT?

s> Do you think they'd let me?  Welcome me with open arms or just think
s> "Here comes another one of those dudes?"  Mary, I think I just might!
s> I'm sure I would enjoy everyone and learn a thing or two besides.

We'd be overjoyed to see you there. We don't always have 600-plus
posts every day, as happened over the weekend. Just when some of us
feel like partying. <g>

Click on the URL at the bottom of this message for info. Or read your
"Welcome to TBUDL" letter for the "subscribe to" address.

s> P.S.  Have you been "trouted" yet?  Sounds like a great honor ... I
s> see where one of the moderators earned such an award ... LOL!

Oh, my! That was only banter. Yes, I was trouted my very first post to
this list! As you can see, I survived. I think I was dead-horsed once,
too. It's All in the Family!

Best regards,
The Bat! 2.11.02 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 1

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