Some time around 08/14/2004 22:24:58, I think I heard MikeD (3) say:
> What settings are you using?  Under the old version (0.4gm) I had it
> trained and was getting most spam caught, no false positives with a
> "Move message" setting of 10.  Now I have gone down as low as 1 and as
> high as 99 without success.

I started with the "move message" setting at 40 and continued to lowered it without 
noticing any effect.  That's when I checked the BAYESIT.LOG file and realized that all 
messages are marked with either 100/99 % or 0% probability, which means that no matter 
how low I set the parameter, it will continue working the same.  I don't understand 
how come there is no "gray area", with messages marked with a, say, 30% probability, 
etc.  I do not get any false positives at all, but I do get about 4%  of false 

> BTW, I am using the 0.5.5 verision that came with 2.12.  Should I be
> using the newer version that I saw mentioned?

I was too.  I just upgraded yesterday to 0.5.9 and I haven't noticed a difference.  It 
does provide a white/black list, which I don't care to use because it defeats the 
purpose of a Bayesian filter (there's huge discussion -- more like religious wars -- 
about this on the POPFile list hehe).  Also, the kludges.txt file doesn't seem to be 
implemented either (ignore list for headers).


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