Some time around 08/15/2004 07:43:05, I think I heard Andre Wichartz say:
> Hello DZ-Jay,

> On 14 Aug 2004 at 14:42:17 -0400 GMT [20:42 CEST] you wrote:

DJ>> That makes sense.  But do you know how the weight is
DJ>> calculated? I can assume it is the product of its initial
DJ>> probability by the "regarding threshold" value, is that true?

> I don't program the thing. For specific questions you really should ask
> Alexey.

I thought that with so much traffic in this list there would be someone who knew.  Oh 

DJ>> And is it only for tokens that have the same occurrence in spam and
DJ>> non-spam messages, or is the weight skewed by this threshold on all
DJ>> tokens to give them an extra "non-spamy" umph in order to avoid
DJ>> false positives?

> I just made an example. It would of course work regardless how often a
> word occurs.

So you don't know... Ok.  I'll continue looking for info, probably contacting Alexey.


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