On Sep 29, 2010, at 9:28 AM, Jesse Thompson wrote:

> You are probably right, but an Apple-only solution won't cut it in the real 
> world.  I wish you were right about your claims of FaceTime being a 
> completely open protocol.  I am skeptical.

All I can tell you is that Apple has said that they are committed to making 
Facetime a true open standard.  Whether or not they actually deliver on this 
promise is something that only time will tell.

Certainly, what we know about Facetime so far is that it is largely built on 
existing open standards, and even if Apple didn't deliver on their promise, I 
would hope that it wouldn't be too hard to create a real open standard that 
delivers the same functionality.  At that point, Apple would be forced to 
choose whether to continue with their proprietary implementation or support the 
open standard.

Since part of the purpose of Facetime (and Apple's claim to be committed to 
turning it into a true open standard) is that it would give them a really 
strong weapon to use in their fight against the Microsoft/Google/Skype 
Hegemony, I think Apple's choice in this matter is pretty clear.

But the only thing we can be certain of is that time will tell.

Brad Knowles <b...@shub-internet.org>
LinkedIn Profile: <http://tinyurl.com/y8kpxu>

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