> Of course, none of these multi-platform alternatives is as "shiny, shiny" as 
> Skype.  And Skype isn't anywhere remotely as "shiny, shiny" as Facetime.
> Give it a few months, and I'm sure you'll start to see Facetime clients pop 
> up on other OSes -- helping make that happen through "real deal" Internet 
> standards-based standards is more to the benefit of Apple than any 
> proprietary alternative, and helps them avoid the Microsoft/Google/Skype 
> Hegemony.

background: I have never used skype nor facetime.

Wikipedia says (about facetime):

FaceTime is based on numerous technologies:

     * H.264 and AAC – video and audio codecs respectively
     * SIP – IETF signaling protocol for VoIP
     * STUN, TURN and ICE – IETF technologies for traversing firewalls and NAT
     * RTP and SRTP – IETF standards for delivering real-time and encrypted 
media streams for VoIP

If I read this right, chances are that factime is "just" a very good client to 
standard protocols (and yes some libraries will do a better job at 
encoding/decoding H264), which would mean that:

-you can always use facetime to talk to other program on other platform, or 
even a physical SIP phone, so not in a few months, but today

-my understanding is that skype is three things:
   -a very good client
   -a very good proprietary protocol (as in, better than the standard one)
   -they pool network connections to get more bandwidth

I don't know of any standard protocol which steals^H^H^H^H^H^H use your 
neighbour's bandwidth to improve your connection, so unless facetime does 
something tricky like this, or also use a proprietary protocol (in addition to 
the standard ones) that's even better than skype's, I wonder how they can be 
that much better.

Yves.                                                  http://www.SollerS.ca/
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