Hot Diggety! Brad Knowles was rumored to have written:
> On Sep 28, 2010, at 9:48 PM, Yves Dorfsman wrote:
> > -my understanding is that skype is three things: -a very good client
> > -a very good proprietary protocol (as in, better than the standard one)
> I'm not convinced of that.  In fact, I would submit that a "good
> enough" standard protocol is far better than a "better" proprietary
> protocol.

My tongue-in-cheek definition of a really good protocol is one that
confounds and upsets multiple intelligence agencies and governments
around the world because they just simply can't crack it no matter what
monumental resources they throw at it.

Of course, as with anything, it's a double-edged sword.

(I couldn't resist; carry on.)

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