On Sep 28, 2010, at 9:48 PM, Yves Dorfsman wrote:

> -my understanding is that skype is three things:
>   -a very good client
>   -a very good proprietary protocol (as in, better than the standard one)

I'm not convinced of that.  In fact, I would submit that a "good enough" 
standard protocol is far better than a "better" proprietary protocol.

Maybe if the "better" proprietary protocol is literally more than one order of 
magnitude "better", then maybe it would be time to create a new standard 
protocol that does many of the same things.

>   -they pool network connections to get more bandwidth

Again, I'm not convinced that this is a "good thing".  At least, for many 
clients/sites I think that this would definitely be a "bad thing".

> I don't know of any standard protocol which steals^H^H^H^H^H^H use your 
> neighbour's bandwidth to improve your connection, so unless facetime does 
> something tricky like this, or also use a proprietary protocol (in addition 
> to 
> the standard ones) that's even better than skype's, I wonder how they can be 
> that much better.

Again, I think I disagree with your definition of "better".

Brad Knowles <b...@shub-internet.org>
LinkedIn Profile: <http://tinyurl.com/y8kpxu>

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