I'm with Mr. Loving on this. When I read that line about people without wristbands being thrown out, it raised my hackles. I ran TCR for a few years. I know the problem of people not registering. However, I never would have thrown people out for not registering. Is this what the community has devolved into?

There are a few cavers who always attend TCR, TSA Convention, etc. who pride themselves on not paying. I know who they are. When I would see them, at TCR, I would sometime make a comment to them, sometimes not. These are the same people who would pride themselves out of paying a $1 fee on TSA projects.

There are also cavers who paying the TCR registration would be a huge financial burden due to hard times. I usually had a pretty good idea of who those were. All they had to do was ask and I would comp them registration. I get it, I've had hard times too. Some of them were too proud to ask. I knew that too. I would have NEVER thrown those people out of TCR. They are part of the community.

I always heard people complain that they should not have to pay because they don't want to eat the meal. That's is a good point but the cost of the meal is only a small part of the registration fee. I've had people ask me to have a fee that doesn't include the meal. To them, I answered that the more complicated registration becomes that harder it is to get people to do it and the easier to make mistakes.

That said, here's why you SHOULD register for TCR, TSA Conventions, etc. These events require money. We have to pay for the site, we pay for portapotties, we pay for many incidentals. If you are one of those people who think you are too good to pay or it is a game not to pay, you are basically stealing from other cavers. You are directly responsible for raising the price for all of the cavers who pay. They costs are fixed for many of these events. The cost is divided among those who attend and pay. If you don't pay, your portion of the cost, your portion of the cost is passed on to other cavers. If you choose not to pay, at least thank all the people who did pay for paying your share as well.

"Throw people out" for not registering, bad idea. Shame them a bit, I'm fine with that. I am no longer running TCR so I don't really have any say in how it works. In the past, TCR has always been about bringing cavers together, the new cavers and us old cavers. TCR has been about friends getting together and hanging out. TCR has always been about seeing old friends and making new ones. However, if "throw them out" is the spirit of the "new" TCR, perhaps it is time to end this long running tradition.

Allan Cobb

Retired TCR Big Cheese and Caver Wrangler

On 8/29/2018 6:23 AM, Charles Loving wrote:
 I wrote a nasty comment on the getting thown out for not having the proper identity band but didn't post it.
Old Man Wisdom

On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 7:11 PM TSA Membership Chair <trog...@cavechat.org <mailto:trog...@cavechat.org>> wrote:

    Hi all!

    We're still a little over a month out, but I figured I'd start the
    waters churning for volunteers to help in shifts for registration.
    I've got a number of shifts ranging from 2 to 4 hours that need to
    be filled. I'll be there all shifts, but I need one other person
    to help me out with paperwork and such for each shift. I also need
    an outgoing personality to spend some time on Saturday wandering
    to each camp area to make sure everyone has their wristband.

    I have been informed that if you don't have a wristband this year,
    you will be kicked out... so... y'all should all register as soon
    as you get to camp (cash or check only this year!)!
    I'll send out a separate email closer to the date with
    registration info for those who won't be volunteering, so you know
    when registration will be open- dependent on how many volunteers I
    can get!

    If you are interested in volunteering, let me know in a separate
    email and I'll let you know the shifts I've got still available!
    My email is trog...@cavechat.org <mailto:trog...@cavechat.org>

    Also... we'll have cookies. You know, if you need some incentive
    to help.. ;)

    Happy caving and even happier volunteering!

    -Heather Tucek

-- *Go find out!*
    -Heather Tuček
    TSA Membership Chair
    NSS 59660
    (512) 773-1348
    members...@cavetexas.org <mailto:members...@cavetexas.org>

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Charlie Loving

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