Allan made some excellent points.  People that attend TCR without paying
are stealing from others, short and simple.  Even the organizers, cooks,
and other volunteers pay.  I pay, and so does my family, and I'm running
the whole circus this year.  Dozens of people work long hours hauling
trailers, running registration, cooking, setting up (and cleaning up) the
mud wrestling pit, organizing Speleolympics events, maintaining of the
sauna area, cleaning and restocking porta-potties, taking care of Vendors
Row, and on and on.  They don't even get a chance to fully enjoy the whole
TCR experience like the non-volunteers do, and still they pay their
registration fees.  We have even come up with several options to make this
even less of a financial burden to attendees, including an Old Timer
discount and a non-banquet option.  We GET that there are still some folks
who are undergoing real financial hardship, and if they come talk to us we
can work something out, as Michael said.  We're not trying to keep anyone
away from TCR, just the opposite.  We want this to be an event for ALL
cavers, young and old (and future!), active and inactive, Texas residents
and former residents.  But it costs money these days to put on the kind of
show that people have come to expect.  We're not in the 70s any more, for
better or worse.

Heather has been doing a great job maintaining the TSA records and handling
registration, usually by herself.  It is unfair for folks to be beating up
on her for doing her job.  If you don't like something, volunteer a while
and see the other side of the situation before offering public criticism.
With all the caving organizations around here (grottos, TSA, TCMA, TSS, and
so forth), it is increasingly difficult to attract good volunteers to
fulfill the necessary roles of officers, board members, and committee
chairs.  And the criticism, which seems more prevalent in today's digital
world, makes those positions even less appealing to potential candidates.
To deviate from the TCR topic just a bit, I have seen a fair bit of
complaining about the recent lack of *The TEXAS CAVER*.  If you want to see
a magazine, submit articles, people!  As for registration, I hope more
folks step up to volunteer for a shift, to spread out the workload so that
everyone gets to enjoy a bit more of TCR.  I'm going to be up to my
eyeballs in crap all weekend long, but I will volunteer for a shift myself
if no one else does.  And there are cookies!  And don't forget to sign the
liability waiver for Paradise Canyon, even if you don't pay.

I look forward to TCR every year, and budget both my time and my money to
be able to participate.  I also support the TCMA fundraising breakfast,
help set up and sell pubs at the TSS bookstore, and attend the TSA and TCMA
meetings.  And I still have fun at the wine tasting, parade, contests, and
hot tub.  I get a lot out of TCR and the Texas caving community in general,
and feel that I am giving something back so that others can also enjoy
those experiences.  Cavers are usually pretty generous folks, so hopefully
this discussion about selfish, non paying TCR attendees is a bunch of
rhetoric about a non-issue.

Jim "Crash" Kennedy
current TCR ringmaster and cat herder
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