I agree with Gill agreeing with Alan and Linda. Additionally, I have quite 
often given extra money at registration when I could to help offset for some 
who can’t afford it. 

I’m looking forward to TCR. I missed it last year because I was one of the 
exceptionally broke and couldn’t make it. It messes up my whole year when I 
miss because it’s the only time I can truly relax and be among people I 
thoroughly enjoy. 

If I don’t wear my wrist band, can I pick who throws me out? 😏

Sheryl Rieck

"You can't always get what you want but if you try sometime, you just might 
find you get what you need" Rolling Stones

> On Aug 29, 2018, at 9:03 AM, grub...@centurytel.net wrote:
> During the time I ran TCR and when I helped Gil while he was running it I do 
> not remember a single instance of  anyone being "thrown out" of the TCR, 
> ever.  There were a number of cooks and cooks helpers who got comped in 
> because they were workers on the event.  They spent their time doing those 
> things that make TCR run and not "hanging out"  There were other prominent 
> individuals who contributed in vast and underappreciated ways.  We showed our 
> gratitude to them in other ways. TCR always broke even so it was never about 
> money.  If we had folks who for what ever reason didnt "register"  it wasnt 
> really a big issue.  We had plenty to do without worrying about that.  We 
> tried to have as few rules as possible.
> William Russell once remarked that one of the beautiful things about TCR was 
> that it is the closest thing to a real working anarchy you can have.  It more 
> or less runs itself.  People know what needs to be done and do it.  Cavers 
> are good about seeing something that needs doing and they do it with very 
> little compunction.  Just  a little guidance is all.  Gil was better at that 
> than I was.  His advice was "keep you hand lightly on the wheel"  let it run 
> itself.  This generally works fairly well.   We tried very hard to keep the 
> event light hearted and fun.  I have nothing but great compliments for the 
> folks who have organized the event for the last few years because they have 
> continued to come up with new things like the parade that embellish that 
> tradition.
> I dont think that I can ever fully explain what TCR means to me.  I get to 
> see friends I have known more than 45 years.  Some I see that once or twice a 
> year.  some I havent seen in decades.    I get to see caver kids I watched 
> grow up raising their own kids.  Couple years ago one of those "kids" said "I 
> bet you remember me when I was that little"  I did.  Caving is a team based 
> adventure sport that thrives on camaraderie.  TCR is a celebration of those 
> friendships and the richness of the many years of memories. 
> The cavers I grew up with were also very "non-status" oriented.  That is hard 
> to explain and I dont see it as strong these days but nobody tried to set up 
> rules and make others follow them.  Of course there was basic safety and 
> competence.  You had to get voted in by the grotto member to be a "regular" 
> member.  but then you could, check out ropes, lead trips ect
> Last year at TCR there was someone who was stalking around the cam being a 
> "wristband nazi" who appointed them to that I dont know.  They werent having 
> a good time, unless hassling folks was their fun. I also know that 
> Registration wasnt open a large part of the time.  I know folks who had a 
> difficult time finding somebody to give their money to.  If people are 
> willing to work at registration I say let them decide if they want to be 
> there late Friday night /Sat morning, ect.  If this is a issue then the 
> organizers ( god rest their souls) should recruit a larger group to do this.  
> It is one of the most onerous tasks of the event and anyone willing to spend 
> their time on it deserves some slack.
> TCR doesnt really run itself,  there are hundreds of tasks that have to be 
> done.  A lot of it happens before the event,  the hidden part of the iceberg. 
>  Everyone has ways the help out, some visible, some hidden.  We have created 
> a unique cavers event  word of which has spread all over the country.  Let us 
> continue to strive to make it the most enjoyable fall weekend you can ever 
> have
> Andy G Grubbs i
> From: "Nancy Weaver" <nan...@prismnet.com>
> To: "texascavers" <texascavers@texascavers.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2018 9:03:24 AM
> Subject: Re: [Texascavers] TCR Registration volunteers!
> boy how times change.  I loved the really old days of lets throw a party, 
> pitch in where you can with money or help.  thanks to the thoughtful previous 
> registrars who quietly made decisions based on something other than cash.  
> Nancy
> On Aug 29, 2018, at 8:28 AM, Michael Cicherski <coastalca...@me.com> wrote:
> Well written! 
> Having run Registration, by myself for a number of years,  I can quietly 
> report that I have allowed more than a few to attend TCR who could not afford 
> it. Most of the time it was a quiet conversation with someone who had fallen 
> on hard times and just needed a little bit of a break.
> I never made a big deal of it and never reported it on the books.
> Oh, there were the normal goofballs who complained about having to pay full 
> amount, but I ignored them and after they ran out of hot air they paid the 
> proper fees.
> Hope all is well,
> Michael
> On Aug 29, 2018, at 7:59 AM, Allan Cobb <a...@oztotl.com> wrote:
> I'm with Mr. Loving on this. When I read that line about people without 
> wristbands being thrown out, it raised my hackles. I ran TCR for a few years. 
> I know the problem of people not registering. However, I never would have 
> thrown people out for not registering. Is this what the community has 
> devolved into?
> There are a few cavers who always attend TCR, TSA Convention, etc. who pride 
> themselves on not paying. I know who they are. When I would see them, at TCR, 
> I would sometime make a comment to them, sometimes not. These are the same 
> people who would pride themselves out of paying a $1 fee on TSA projects.
> There are also cavers who paying the TCR registration would be a huge 
> financial burden due to hard times. I usually had a pretty good idea of who 
> those were. All they had to do was ask and I would comp them registration. I 
> get it, I've had hard times too. Some of them were too proud to ask. I knew 
> that too. I would have NEVER thrown those people out of TCR. They are part of 
> the community.
> I always heard people complain that they should not have to pay because they 
> don't want to eat the meal. That's is a good point but the cost of the meal 
> is only a small part of the registration fee. I've had people ask me to have 
> a fee that doesn't include the meal. To them, I answered that the more 
> complicated registration becomes that harder it is to get people to do it and 
> the easier to make mistakes.
> That said, here's why you SHOULD register for TCR, TSA Conventions, etc. 
> These events require money. We have to pay for the site, we pay for 
> portapotties, we pay for many incidentals. If you are one of those people who 
> think you are too good to pay or it is a game not to pay, you are basically 
> stealing from other cavers. You are directly responsible for raising the 
> price for all of the cavers who pay. They costs are fixed for many of these 
> events. The cost is divided among those who attend and pay. If you don't pay, 
> your portion of the cost, your portion of the cost is passed on to other 
> cavers. If you choose not to pay, at least thank all the people who did pay 
> for paying your share as well.
> "Throw people out" for not registering, bad idea. Shame them a bit, I'm fine 
> with that. I am no longer running TCR so I don't really have any say in how 
> it works. In the past, TCR has always been about bringing cavers together, 
> the new cavers and us old cavers. TCR has been about friends getting together 
> and hanging out. TCR has always been about seeing old friends and making new 
> ones. However, if "throw them out" is the spirit of the "new" TCR, perhaps it 
> is time to end this long running tradition.
> Allan Cobb
> Retired TCR Big Cheese and Caver Wrangler
> On 8/29/2018 6:23 AM, Charles Loving wrote:
>  I wrote a nasty comment on the getting thown out for not having the proper 
> identity band but didn't post it. 
> Old Man Wisdom
>> On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 7:11 PM TSA Membership Chair <trog...@cavechat.org> 
>> wrote:
>> Hi all! 
>> We're still a little over a month out, but I figured I'd start the waters 
>> churning for volunteers to help in shifts for registration. I've got a 
>> number of shifts ranging from 2 to 4 hours that need to be filled. I'll be 
>> there all shifts, but I need one other person to help me out with paperwork 
>> and such for each shift. I also need an outgoing personality to spend some 
>> time on Saturday wandering to each camp area to make sure everyone has their 
>> wristband.
>> I have been informed that if you don't have a wristband this year, you will 
>> be kicked out... so... y'all should all register as soon as you get to camp 
>> (cash or check only this year!)! 
>> I'll send out a separate email closer to the date with registration info for 
>> those who won't be volunteering, so you know when registration will be open- 
>> dependent on how many volunteers I can get!
>> If you are interested in volunteering, let me know in a separate email and 
>> I'll let you know the shifts I've got still available! My email is 
>> trog...@cavechat.org
>> Also... we'll have cookies. You know, if you need some incentive to help.. ;)
>> Happy caving and even happier volunteering!
>> -Heather Tucek
>> -- 
>> Go find out!
>> -Heather Tuček
>> TSA Membership Chair
>> NSS 59660
>> (512) 773-1348
>> members...@cavetexas.org
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> -- 
> Charlie Loving
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