I had written a longer and more detailed reply but par for the course, the 
UI glitched out and I lost part of the post.

On Sunday, May 30, 2021 at 10:34:06 PM UTC+2 Mat wrote:

> Yeah, no doubt it would be a substantial effort. But on the other hand 
> there's no particular rush

As I said, if you stay within the GG group bubble it's easy to ignore the 
plight of users both current and prospective who are not comfortable with 
using or signing up for GG.

> So just "registering a new TW group" somewhere... poor idea.

I don't think anyone has suggested that in this thread, otherwise I'd have 
a discourse up and running for TW already. At it's cheapest it costs $10/ 
month to self host it, closer to $20 with a higher user count. Discussion 
around this topic as a community is needed precisely because user 
dissatisfaction with GG is growing and there are actually good options 
available at this time.

> IMO eating our own dog food would bring things closer together. 

I've been hearing variations of this since 2008. The difference is there 
weren't any really well put together open source alternatives back then, 
there are now. 

> But I know; talk is cheap, especially from someone who doesn't really 
know what it takes.

It is very easy to underestimate the time and resources it would take to 
invent our own forum solution. Not to mention that most of that work 
wouldn't be universally useful and we would still need to pay for hosting 
and maintenance. If as a community we can't pull together $50 a month for 
hosting fees at this time, we *definitely* don't have the resources to take 
this on. Nor would it be the best prioritization of resources even if we 

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