Jeremy wrote

Ultimately and ideally, we should base TiddlyWiki documentation efforts on 
> TiddlyWiki itself

Agree 100% and - (talking to everybody now.) - this is why I'm against 
distracting interim solutions or parallel solutions of other kinds. ANY 
other system would mean people would have to e.g register for yet another 
thing, learn new UI's and more lingo and it would scatter and fragment the 
docs and info (or repeat it) and I strongly fear this would split the 
community and be confusing. If the idea is to ultimately have TW be 
sufficient in itself, then... why shouldn't we just focus on creating that!?

The big problem is that "we creating that" is, implementation-wise, limited 
to very few knowledgeable individuals. However, the first step is still to 
define how we (all) would like for it to function. So maybe that's the best 
start? This makes sense even if you insist on some non-TW solution - i.e 
defining what a system should fulfill and what it should feature.

The solution is simple: switch to using TiddlyWiki in a 
> server-based configuration, but you lose the offline capability.  [...] 
> federation on the server under Node.js, where the technical difficulties 
> melt away. That’s how the threaded discussion on 
> was built; the result is 
> a simple HTML file that downloads swiftly.
None of the alternative solutions (github, mediawiki, reddit, discourse, 
etc) work offline either AFAICT ..but, with a server-based TW one could (as 
pointed out) download the result and probably have it integrate well with 
ones own TW if that is desired.

@Jeremy - would it not be possible with a symbiotic solution including both 
a server-based node.js configuration and the vanilla version? Those 
inclined could host server based solutions used as exchange hubs for e.g 
documentation to/from which others could "post" or download documentation.

"Posting" would, perhaps, be done in a workflow similar to how the 
TWederation experiments are approaching it; Server-wikis would, from wikis 
they're following, *fetch *specified tiddlers (e.g tiddlers tagged "docs"). 
Because "Docs" is of interest to many people, it is likely to be 
redundantly hosted by multiple server wikis, thus protecting accessibility.

Not thought through: but how about a twitteresque system with UUIDs as 
hashtags (with potential aliases) for original issues and replies/whatever 
to such issues can be tagged with these UUIDs to associate it with the 
original issue. 


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