
So ⠪.class:param Braille 246 and Braille 2345⠞ may be an option. 
I understand open and close needs to be asymmetric to see which is which. 
But the solution such as 
/glyph content glyph/  - inline
glyph content /glyphline  - para or block

Still retains a degree of symmetry and is thus preferable if possible.

If both could be used the first can be inline and the second defaults to 

The first /glyph indicates its inline from the start because it is 
proceeded by / otherwise it will be readable elsewhere, and must have a 
matching /glyph (ie: \n and \n\n do not cancel it)

The second can be terminated with \n, and optionally be \n\n or demand a 
/glyph as defined in the pragma.

   - This is auto line based, auto paragraph (\n\n) based or block based 
   all in one pragma
   - This is the preferred default in my view because a line beginning 
   glyph can be assumed to treat the line as the scope eg; ; : * # ! etc...
   - Eg Then the author can use say glyphaside (the html aside tag) and 
   specify \n\n or /glyph as the terminator, because apart from anything 
   calling it  glyphaside suggests its a block capable of multiple lines or 
   paragraphs. That is using the customise definition glyph with an name, 
   transmits the information whether it is used as a line/paragraph or block.

Perhaps even this could work
glyph /glypg A quote with it wrapped in oversize quotes and italics /glyph 
and more (terminates at end of line eg \n)

glyph.aside This is text in a html aside /glypg A quote in the aside /glyph 
and more

However asides can have multiple lines and paragraphs So we expect it to be 
closed with a /glyph

Or should than be closed with `/glyph.aside`

This of course should still work!

Something /glyph.classname content /glyph more

*A word of warning;*

One reason I spell out how the custom mark-up is terminated, is there seems 
there is still an area of uncertainty between us on the original issue of 
paragraphs and lines. I have found a case I have trouble demonstrating 
where its easy to do two formatting tricks but impossible to do another. I 
will try and find a case below.

*Another restatement of desire or intent on my part.*

I believe the two can be accommodated, we just need to flesh out the 

The first thing I really need is
*° *one
*° *two
*° *three

   - The above would apply the customised mark-up to each line, ending at 
   the end of the line (\n) 
   - one two or three can be one word through to a whole paragraph of 
   sentences ending with \n
   - The customise can insist on an empty line after or not in the rendered 
   - This fixes that fact we cant apply custom mark-up at the moment on 
   lines that do not begin with an existing mark-up line character ! !! !! ; : 
   # * basically it says any line can have a custom mark-up.

Now consider 


Say this is found text, on the internet, from a copy and paste
This currently renders as 

one two



   - Rather than go through every line and deleting or adding \n to get one 
   only \n, consistently  or making each "paragraph end with  \n\n etc...
   - Again one two or three can be one word through to a whole paragraph of 
   sentences ending with \n and some have more than one \n
   - I just want to select a whole text or block and prefix it as follows;
*° *one
*° *two
*° *
*° *
*° *three
*° *
*° *four
Then depending on my custom wiki text definition;

   - If it defines a paragraph every line ending with \n will be come a 
   paragraph and only one blank line will appear between each paragraph at 
   - If every line is made into a `<p>` paragraph then this is the 
   resulting behaviour, because empty p tags collapse to one empty line after 
   each paragraph with text.

However I also know in the above example *you* are keen (I think) to have 
the custom mark-up terminate only on \n\n to make use of a common use in 
text of an empty line following \n, thus \n\n to terminate the paragraph 
and custom mark-up. In this case you may do this;
*° *one

*° *three

In this example one and two will become a single paragraph, three will be 
another paragraph and four will follow after a blank line at the end of 
paragraph three.

   - Question: How does this differ from the default render except that you 
   can apply custom mark-up to each resulting paragraph delimited by \n\n, ? 
   eg *°*.classname or another element

There seems to me to be a gap between these two cases above, I have not 
learned to do, and it appears impossible;
I am not even sure I can illustrate the problem (Which is bugging me)

Lets see if I can in a future post


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