Ciao PMario

*On Underscore*

__ double-underscore can be a start and - underscore slash could be stop _/  
> ??? or triple underscore ___ as stop. I personally wouldn't have a big 
> problem with those combinations. 

A few points.

1 - I AGREE that underscore is BETTER for INLINE than BLOCK. 
      Visually "_" initiates an implying that "sequestered" text (i.e. 
contained *_text bits__*)  will be styled. 
      It really is better for inline, but never blocks.

      So, IMO, (please note) I don't think it should be used for BLOCKS 
even if it is NOT used for inline (hope this is clear!)

2 - One issue is that visually in some proportional fonts (i.e. not 
mono-spaced in editor) it can get much harder to see on small screens (i.e. 
smartphones) the difference between open and closed.

3 - I'm slightly concerned it will confuse users used to the EXISTING 
method for underlining.

Best wishes

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