Hi odile' My name is gerry; I know exatly how you and Frank feel. I f you read my bio you wiill note the transaction in my life, What I ommited to mention that apart from TM I also have ITP. This should be rectified this coming Monday; I have also had prostate Cancer twice. Talk about hell on wheels. In the forty years I have had my troubles I NEVER thought of doing away with myself. It is my life; I am in control of my life; It is the only purpose I have. I will not let my tribulations affect me. I always wake up{thank God} and pray for strenght to be productive that day. It takes about 20 to 30 minutes for my meds to take effect in the morning.This means I heve to crawl to the bathroom first thing. I don't always reach it in time. my laundry will attest to that. The point is I will not let it get to me. I have something to do that day. NOTHING will will prevent me from accomplishing it. Before I go to sleep at night I always think of something that has to be done the next day. That is my project; \That will be the reason for getting up.(if I slept that night).I always Pray to Jesus to give me the strengh to carry on . He has never let me done. I am not preaching. I am only telling you what has kept me going for the last 40 years.

From: "odile connor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CC: TMIC-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: RE: [TMIC] question
Date: Sat, 1 Mar 2008 16:45:11 -0700

Frank, I really enjoyed your letter.  Prior to TM i was a figure skater.
hiker, mounain climber, coss county skier ,sailed, and on and on.  Now I am
a fat sedentary old woman. I had chronic back pain since I was a teen, so I
am used to pain'; what I am not used to is dragging a dead leg around.

Only one week ago I began a simple exercise program, with more challenging
stuff to come later...................I am hoping to increase my mobility.
Does anyone else with TM do regular exercises?  I would like some
support.....some emotional support to help me stay with the very
discouraging exercise.

Cookie in Arizona

On Sat, Mar 1, 2008 at 2:39 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <

> > And having TM does not reduce your life span.
> There are articles dealing with MS that show that the side effects can and
> do shorten the patients life.
> For instance, my TM, in and of itself, will not shorten my life, but the
> chronic pain will. Many people who have chronic pain commit suicide. Don't
> worry, I promise not to kill myself till next Friday.
> Before TM, I rode a bicycle, cross country skied, sailed competitively,
> climbed small mountains, etc, TM stopped all those exercises, so I gained > weight and got "The Metabolic Syndrome": Hypertension, Borderline diabetes, > obesity and hyperlipidemia. They all reduce my life span, plus the lipitor
> pill caused Gout.
> My sensitivity to cold sends me south for periods of time each winter.
>  There are many more diseases to the south:  Mexico, Costa Rica.
> I get cranky a lot, complain to my girl-friend, and she threatens to plug
> me with her 12 gauge, if I don't shut my trap
> I'm just a time-bomb waiting to happen ! !
> So, Think about how TM will indirectly shorten your life
> F

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