One thing the neuro told me in ICU was that an antidepressant was very important because of having to go thru all of the issues of being paralyzed and the changes I would have to go thru with my life.

When the Drs said that to me, I wanted to slap them. I wanted a laptop, not a pill. I felt like they were setting me up for further disability. Of course I was unhappy. Fearful even, but I wasn't depressed. I never approached depression til last year when i came home to ramps i couldn't use, no transport and an inaccessible shower--- after waiting over a year for the house rehab by an agency that paid an alleged expert to oversee the construction. This is about externalities blocking me. Too bad the money I don't spend on drugs is not available to me to do the other things I need done: another hour or two of an aide, paratransit, help weeding in the yard, an accessible front ramp, a lift to my second floor... little things that would make a HUGE difference in the quality of my life. Or even--- dare I say--- fixing the condition: a standing machine, an exerciser, water therapy, stem cell therapy... instead of all or any of these things, instead of addressing causes or even teaching me how to live as a paraplegic --- all or any of these --- fix or assist with them before you deem me depressed and prescribe a pill.


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