We don't have a Para Transit here..but there is a organization here called
OPEN and they will drive someone somewhere..like for example...I have Skin
Cancer..there isn't a place for me to go to here, so I have to go to UC
Davis in Sacramento..it is about 100 miles away from me...and I don't have a
car, we have city busses but they don't go there...so OPEN is going to take
me there on June 30th for free...they have a fund raiser once a year to get
the money they need..they also do other things for the poor old  or disabled

-------Original Message-------
From: Akua
Date: 6/19/2009 3:54:43 PM
To: bradebi;  tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [TMIC] AntiDepressant
>so I have had to fight to get everything!..and I am fixin to join or
>help people here that are disabled..and are house bound...
YAY!!!!  Debi!!!
I am starting Corning ParaTransit Services--- a paratransit
nonprofit.  There is next to no public transportation here and no
public paratransit.  "House Bound" is not solely a function of
disability -- it's about the LACK OF TOOLS.
A friend argued with me when i suggested that not everyone who gets
Meals on Wheels may need it.
She's in New York City with cabs, subways, buses, dial a ride, and
deliveries. Up here, NO ONE DELIVERS unless its Drugs, Chinese Food
or Pizza!!!! No Groceries and no buses to get groceries!
20.8% of my county is Disabled. Perhaps that's why I'm here and
afflicted with TM. To make a change!
Dare to Struggle! Dare to Win!


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