Could you send me contact information for OPEN?
I'm trying to benchmark as many similar paratransit operations as possible.
I'm learning there are special licenses, organizations for paratransit taxis, and
special insurance requirements. Our biggest hurdle may be insurance vs.
a vehicle....

Thank you!

We don't have a Para Transit here..but there is a organization here called OPEN and they will drive someone for example...I have Skin Cancer..there isn't a place for me to go to here, so I have to go to UC Davis in is about 100 miles away from me...and I don't have a car, we have city busses but they don't go OPEN is going to take me there on June 30th for free...they have a fund raiser once a year to get the money they need..they also do other things for the poor old or disabled.

-------Original Message-------

From: <>Akua
Date: 6/19/2009 3:54:43 PM
To: <>bradebi; <>
Subject: Re: [TMIC] AntiDepressant

 >so I have had to fight to get everything!..and I am fixin to join or
 >help people here that are disabled..and are house bound...

YAY!!!!  Debi!!!
I am starting Corning ParaTransit Services--- a paratransit
nonprofit.  There is next to no public transportation here and no
public paratransit.  "House Bound" is not solely a function of
disability -- it's about the LACK OF TOOLS.

A friend argued with me when i suggested that not everyone who gets
Meals on Wheels may need it.
She's in New York City with cabs, subways, buses, dial a ride, and
deliveries. Up here, NO ONE DELIVERS unless its Drugs, Chinese Food
or Pizza!!!! No Groceries and no buses to get groceries!

20.8% of my county is Disabled. Perhaps that's why I'm here and
afflicted with TM. To make a change!

Dare to Struggle! Dare to Win!


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