My TM's like Pat's... idiopathic. At 53 yrs. old, woke up Monday morning after Easter Sunday April 17th, 2006 with a numb arm. Over the next 36 hours the numbness progressed over my body and my legs started spasming. After an ER EKG, X-Rays, spinal tap and MRI, the neurologist diagnosed TM at C7. After 4 days chest-to-feet paralysis in the hospital, 4 weeks in a re-hab facility, on-and-off physical & occupational therapy and multiple splints and two surgeries on my right hand/wrist, I'm left with the following:

 - ongoing fatigue
- acute pain (I take 600mg Gabapentin and 7.5-325mg Hydrocodon-Acetaminophen every 6 hours - Dr. allows one more of each for break-thru pain from over-exertion)
 - torso banding
- no temperature sensation from the chest down (although I do experience the hot/cold/tingling foot abnormalities)
 - surface skin numbness (I can feel pressure, but not sharp cuts)
- bladder/bowel issues (not as bad as in the beginning - I've learned to "listen" to my body and time bathroom breaks) - disabled hands/fingers (fingers on one hand permanently look like I'm flipping the bird, on the other the fingers can't bend to make a fist so my grip is compromised, destroying my ability to touch-type or write in cursive) - my left knee muscles no longer work so I can't lift/bend the leg. This hampers my balance so I use a cane whenever I go anywhere. Also, my foot pronates and I experience clonus on occasion - my skin is now hyper-sensitive to silky, slinky or chiffon fabrics - I do best with natural fibers
 - my memory suffers greatly due to all the drugs
 - What's next? I forget (just kidding!)

One good thing... with only my left leg being adversely affected, I can still drive my car.
Just "celebrated" my seventh year with TM.


On 4/27/2013 8:28 AM, Pat Cooley wrote:
I have idiopathic TM. No known cause except that I did have singles ober 20 yrs ago, and I also had chicken pox as a child.TM came over a 2 day period - on saturday I noticed my balance wasn't right, and later in the day I felt I had an UTI and went to urgent care and was given drugs. The next morning during my shower I noticed I had trouble lifting my right leg over the tub. After the shower while trying to put on my underwear, I wet my pants twice. Then all of a sudden my legs went out and down on the floor I went. I was rushed to the ER, and after about 8 hrs and a spinal tap and MRI was diagnosed with TM. Spent 4 weeks in rehab and finally was able to walk with a walker, then a cane. I still have bladder/bowel problems like most of us. The only drugs I am on are oxyticbutin for my bladder and a low dose of a sulfer drug 50 mg at night. I don't have the severe pain like so many of us; just burning/freezing and bee stings in my feet. It will be 5 yrs for me in June. I hope this is what you need.

On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 10:09 PM, < <>> wrote:

    Hi Everyone!
    It's Jude Hoops.  I was just reading the quad list and they are
    talking about their injuries at what level they are injured, how
    it happened and when it happened.  Do you think that that would be
    something we could do too?
    I think it might be interesting to know how we were all injured or
    got sick and how long ago it was. We've all been on this list for
    a long time now and I was wondering whether any of us had gotten
    any better over the years.
    Let me know what you think.  Just write a small paragraph about
    how you came to have TM, what level your injury is at and if you
    have seen any improvement over the years.
    I love you all so much and have been thinking of you.
    Jude (TIAD)

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