mlsstl;574968 Wrote: 
> A lot of the skepticism is created by those who declare "huge"
> differences with these types of changes. I realize some get
> enthusiastic about such things, but for me, a "huge" change in sound
> quality is moving from a table radio or a boom box to a good system. Agreed.

> With over 40 years in this hobby (and some professional experience)
> unless a wire has been clearly defective or completely inappropriate
> for the task, the only difference I've ever heard in wires has been
> quite subtle. Agreed.

> Now, lots of people will pay serious money for a subtle difference they
> consider important.That is the nub of the issue since different folks will 
> differently
evaluate the importance of even a subtle difference.  In addition,
individual valuations of what constitutes "serious money" vary greatly
among the population of audiophiles.  

> So I'm not suggesting people don't spend their money as they see fit,
> but if they could scale back their hyperbole on the Monty Python
> silliness scale they might find less derision pointed their way.Hah!  Would 
> that we had a reference scale for performance or value.

Thanks for bringing up these points.


Kal Rubinson
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