garym;625998 Wrote: 
> Ron, is there a way to update to 7.5.4 if I'm still running Vortexbox
> 1.5. I'm on 7.5.2 at the moment as I haven't gotten around to moving
> stuff so I can connect a monitor and keyboard to my VBA for the 1.8
> update (and i'm a bit nervous about it as I have a 6TB VBA (3 2TB
> disks) and I'm concerned that something wacky will happen in the 1.5 >
> 1.8 update (and Andrew notes that reinstalling with the ISO for 1.8 is
> not standard for my 6TB setup...additional stuff required).  thanks for
> any info.

Since you're on VB 1.5, which is based on Fedora 11, you have several
choices for upgrading to SBS 7.5.4:

1. Stay on Fedora 11 and VB 1.5 and upgrade to the official Slim
Devices SBS 7.5.4:

Login to your VortexBox; see

Then enter

    rpm -Uvh

This is the simplest solution, but you won't have all the new features
in VB 1.8, like DVD ripping.

2. Upgrade to Fedora 14 and VB 1.8 using the command-line upgrade; see

This will preserve all your SBS settings, plugins, etc. but you can run
into problems.  After the upgrade, you'll have SBS 7.5.4 from the
VortexBox repository.  If you run into trouble, post on the VortexBox
forum and we'll try to help.  This in-place upgrade from Fedora 11 to
Fedora 14 is not always an error-free process.

3. Upgrade to Fedora 14 and VB 1.8 doing a clean install from the iso;

You'll have to figure out what additional steps are needed because of
your 6TB setup.

Backup all your SBS settings, plugins, and playlists to another
computer before you start, and restore them after the upgrade, or else
you'll lose them.  After the install, you can upgrade to the latest VB
code and pick up SBS 7.5.4 from the VortexBox repository.

If you choose 2. or 3., be sure to have a complete backup of your VBA
media library before you start.

Ron Olsen
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