The first time I tried to use a Sonos system at a local audio shop it
didn't work. Period. And the staff person who tried to help couldn't
get it to work either. And this was a decent shop, not some Best Buy or
other big box store. I tried one a couple years later at a different
store and it worked okay. Nothing impressive, but it worked.

Sonos is a much more restricted environment. Proprietary wireless
network, limited interfaces, etc. But by all reports it works with
minimum fuss, albeit with minimal flexibility. But if minimal
flexibility is all you need, then it's a no-brainer: go with minimal

Compared to that, Squeezeboxes are wild and woolly open-source
products, with endless possibilities for some and endless headaches for
others. I think the crux of your problem is (a) ALAC, which isn't
decoded on the Touch, and (b) an underpowered server. Why the Touch
still has a "buggy" (to use a Logitech developer's description) ALAC
decoder is beyond me. When the player can't do the decoding that shifts
the burden onto the server, and sorry, but your ReadyNAS can't handle
it. I described your system as borderline wrt to system requirements,
but if you factor in transcoding your NAS is _way_ below system
requirements. Presumably your Sonos players are taking care of the
decoding because they have non-buggy ALAC decoders.

For the record, tagging errors are completely on the user. Neither
Sonos nor Squeezebox write or edit tags for the user.

Anyway, enjoy the music!

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