Zonker92;629590 Wrote: 
> As to the ALAC issue, I agree that it seems to be a major problem here,
> and I too can't see why the engineers haven't resolved it.  The fact
> that I encoded most of my CDs with ALAC (because I use iTunes) is a sad
> coincidence, but one that probably will affect a lot of other people
> too.  I suspect the Logitech engineers will eventually resolve it, but
> it's too bad they have yet to do so.
Hello again - I've been reading along and I'm sorry the suggestions
haven't helped; Aubuti has covered anything that I might have

But please do remember that I have run the same type of material, and
even 24/96 material from a similarly spec'ed NAS without issue. So we
have to consider the possibility that this issue is unique to your

The offer still stands if there is anything I can do to try & help
reproduce and/or debug the problem

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