I will not, in no uncertain terms (note double negative), allow any person to bind on me anything that is not bound in the Bible.  Those who follow the "argument from silence" are doomed to believe anything. I have seen on on TT OVER AND OVER.  Just as Americans have to fight for their physical freedom, I WILL FIGHT FOR MY SPIRITUAL FREEDOM.  I WILL NOT GO BACK TO RELIGIOUS BONDAGE.  Freedom in Christ is a hill I will die on.  

1.  I do not believe that if the Bible is silent on something that
Christians can then make whatever choice they want to and it is ok.  We
should still walk by the rule of love and liberty and do that which comes
from love.  In other words, a person can still sin (still walk outside love)
in doing things that are not specifically forbidden by Scripture.  Silence
of Scripture should not be used as either a license for "liberty" or as a
prohibition.  Instead, believers should exercise judgment about what is
right and what is wrong.

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