I get irate (Be ye angry and sin not. )when  people tryt o take me back into religious bondage.  I am sorry, but you have shown that your mind is made up.  You are not open.  I am trying to be nice so what I just said is really watered down with respect to you.

Dear Glen,

Unlike others, who try to rest every day, I am busy working the six days, according the fourth commandment.  I do believe that God is working with your heart in the matter of obedience, otherwise you would not have become so irate with the answers I have provided. 
:-)   It is those "scholars" whom I fault for creating such confusion with the clear word of God.

I was able to scan through many of the commentaries you have attached below and I am left with the same feelings that Christ had when the "scholars" of His day came to tempt him:

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