From: Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Judy:I find it interesting that your nephew is stuck on the same question
as you. DAVEH: I think most LDS folks are curious to know how Protestantsunderstand God's creation of Lucifer, the tree of knowledge of good andevil and the relationship they have with the plan of salvation.  >From ourperspective, those things are very important to our eternal progression.From what I am hearing from TTers, it seems most Protestants believeAdam's fall was an unfortunate incident that has caused a lot of grief foreverybody.  That is diametrically opposite of my belief. Judy:In all the years I've been around believers I've never heard anyoneagonizing over the fall. I accept it as having taken place before I was born. 
DAVEH:  But.....you do prefer that it had not happened, do you not? Judy:Makes no difference what I prefer and TTYTT I don't even think about itin those terms.  It did happen and now I must deal with the reality.I can't do much about them but God has made a way for me todo somethingabout me and since Jesus is the lamb slain before thefoundation of the world,God took care of things before they happened.
DAVEH:  My point exactly.....God knew all that which would happen, which is why he put the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the garden and allowed Satan to influence Eve.  IMHO, it was all a necessary part of his plans for us.  There was nothing unexpected or unplanned about the fall of Adam.....it was engineered by God from before the foundations of the world.  And, it was done so specifically for our benefit......Which is why I (and Jeff) find the pastors comment about God creating people to burn in hell simply to glorify Himself to be so ridiculous.  Now that Dean has apparently said he subscribes to such a revolting idea, perhaps Jeff has not found anything more ridiculous in Louisiana than what can be found in TT.
 What do you mean by"eternal progression?" 
DAVEH:  Eternal progression is the evolution from our spiritual birth toeventually becoming one with God, and like God.  To do that, I believeit was necessary for the fall of Adam to take place, and the grace of theLord to provide a pathway to salvation. Judy:Why was it necessary? God created man in His own image so if there hadbeen no fall there would be no need for any eternal progression?
DAVEH:  We were not created as God.  We were created to become like God.  We cannot do that without both a knowledge of good and evil nor without a physical body.  Eternal progression is necessary to bring us from a point of innocence in our spiritual creation, to a point where we have an eternally physical body and a knowledge of good and evil.  However, it is impossible to be spotless as is God, without having first having the stain of our sins removed by the grace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Once that happens, then we can become one with God.
 and whatdoes the _expression_"tracted into" mean? DAVEH:  Knocking on doors until you tract into a situation that is a bitunusual.  I'll let Jeff speak for himself when he returns this summer, as Isuspect he will join TT again and you can ask him personally. Judy:Has he been born again by the Spirit of God and is he a follower of the
resurrected Christ?  One who walks after the Spirit daily or is he just
another follower of Joseph Smith and his BofM? You don't have to answer the above ... because if that were true hewould not be a Mormon missionary who is out there tracting. DAVEH:  LOL........Ohhhhhh Judy, aren't you cheeky! Judy:Cheeky?  Why would you use that word?
DAVEH:  It is a word I learned from the British that seemed to describe your contrived conclusion with a preceding comment (You don't have to answer the above) that absolutely required a response from me.  In short, Judy.....you were being cheeky by playfully twisting my arm.  Well done!

Dave Hansen
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