David Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Kevin wrote:
We now know ... that the scriptures did exist before Mount Sinai.

No, we do not know that Kevin. You offered some passages suggesting
that they indicate Scriptures speaking to Pharaoh and to Abraham. I
don't see it that way. I don't know how to discuss it with you, because
if you are KJV only, then I suppose my going to the Greek and
translating it for you won't help. I read these passages the same way I
might say that your post speaks to Abraham having Scripture. That does
not mean that your post was read by Abraham. It is just an idiomatic way
of saying that you presented a certain case concerning Abraham.
jt: The Word of God was in the garden with Adam and Eve, they had
one verse to obey "don't eat from the tree in the middle of the garden"
The Word of God came to Abraham in Ur of the Chaldees
The Word of God spoke to Moses from the burning bush
The Word of God spoke through the prophets and was recorded
Daniel studied the book of Jeremiah and walked close to God
After 70yrs in Babylonian captivity Ezra the scribe prepared himself by
studying the law and the prophets and they are the standard. No 20th
Century Word is going to contradict what has been written.
"Man in his pomp is like the beasts
that perish"


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