Judy wrote:
> I still don't comprehend how you have reached 
> your conclusion ie: that the Bible is not 
> scripture and that scripture is more than the 
> Bible.

Hi Judy.

I hope you were not offended by my statement.  I will say that quoting
my statement only partially could lead to a statement that I would not
agree with.  For example, taken by itself, I would not ever say that the
Bible is not Scripture.  I made the statement the way that I did in
order to try and forcefully make a point.  Think of it like the way
Jesus said some hard things in John 6, that some might dig a little
deeper and get some gems.  I was applying set theory to the relationship
of the Bible and Scripture.  Said another way, all Bible is Scripture,
but not all Scripture is Bible.  

By the way, did you know that we have a Bible from the time of
Athanasius (from before he died), and that this old Bible contains books
which our present Bible does not?  Did you know that Athanasius was the
one who listed the 27 New Testament books as canonical which we
currently have in our Bible?

I may not be posting too much today.  I have been invited to give three
presentations to Gene Edwards and company in Jacksonville, Florida this
weekend (Friday and Saturday, March 19 & 20).  I am still working on
some material for that.  I think you know of Gene Edwards, Judy, so I am
sharing that with you.  For others, he is an author within the Home
Church movement (website: www.GeneEdwards.com).  Please pray about this
as I have been building toward this for a year now.  Gene will be there
as will a representative from every U.S. church associated with him and
I hope to raise some issues that may be somewhat radical and difficult
for them to hear.  I am praying for a break through in communication.
:-) Anyone who would like to come to Jacksonville for these meetings is
welcome.  Write me for details.  Terry has indicated that he is coming,
and I look forward to meeting him.  

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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