David: "No syntactics contains it's own semantics." Agree/Disagree? In all
communication success is determined by an overlap of meaning (semantics). No
overlap, no communication.
PS: For shame on all of us for communicating in such a way as to prompt Izzy
to drop out 'til we're done.CSLewis supposedly said something to the effect
that: If you can't successfully communicate your meaning to a 12 yr old (no,
Izzy I don't mean you) it may be the case that you don't know what you're
talking about. I actually though the two illustrations (smiling & Jesus)
sort of made this point. Blessings, Lance
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: May 11, 2004 12:32
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] The Mediation of Christ

> Lance wrote:
> > What is your understanding of semantic?
> The word "semantic" refers to the meaning of words.  Sometimes a person
> might say the same thing but use different words.  For example, someone
> might say, "that was really Great!"  Another person might say, "No, that
> was really Excellent!"  They both might be trying to communicate
> identical concepts, but the words they use are different and might have
> different meanings for each of them.
> Lance wrote:
> > What is your understanding of syntax?
> The word "syntax" refers to how words are organized and arranged into
> phrases and sentences to communicate an idea.
> Lance wrote:
> > How can a difference be more than semantic?
> Easy.  Sometimes people really mean to communicate something different.
> For example, if I was to describe gravity as a force between objects
> that have mass, that would be different than describing gravity as a
> path in space which objects tend to follow.  This difference is what
> lies at the heart of Newtonian physics versus Einsteinian physics.
> According to the Newtonian viewpoint, light would not be effected by
> gravity because it has no mass.  On the other hand, Einstein's model
> predicts that gravity effects light too.
> In regards to theology, some might talk about righteousness as a legal
> standing with God, whereas someone else might see righteousness as being
> more than that, as indicating a virtue within the heart of man.  The
> latter concept sees righteousness as a thing having existence within
> man, whereas the former sees righteousness as something external to man,
> something which only effects God's view of man regardless of man's
> actual state of being.  In this case, there is a semantic component of
> defining the word "righteousness" but there is more than that.  There is
> an actual difference in perspective of the truth being discussed.  There
> is a difference in the actual apprehension of reality and not just in
> what words are used to communicate that understanding.
> If I were to say that an argument is primarily semantic, it would mean
> that the persons discussing the subject perceive the actual truth in the
> same way, but they differ in the words they use to describe that truth.
> If an argument is more than just semantics, then it means that the
> opposing viewpoints substantially differ in their actual comprehension
> of the truth and not just in what words they choose to use to convey
> that understanding.
> Peace be with you.
> David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.
> ----------
> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may
know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
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