On Sat, Jun 20, 2020 at 2:10 PM PGage <pga...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I’m not complaining, as I welcome a full range of views and interests on
> this list, but just saying: the energy it has taken me to notice and scroll
> past the last few Joe Rogan posts is more energy than I have spent over the
> last ten years on anything to do with him, and more than he is worth.

The thing is that his audience numbers build his influence and that will
drive the media and advertising businesses to make him more mainstream. His
audience size right now, before getting a push from Spotify, is probably
bigger than any figure on network TV. Even as increased influence brings
increased scrutiny, hitting the big time did not bring down Dice Clay or
Howard Stern and it likely will not hurt Rogan.

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