Ultimately, there's only one kind of "green" that companies care about (though for those of you outside the US, they print it in more than one color), and the other kind of green won't happen unless it facilitates making more of the first kind.

Susan Joslyn wrote:

Don Verhagen made the point that we do what comes naturally (conveniently)
and sometimes that's green and sometimes it's not.  For me, I admit, that's
true.  My green efforts have stemmed from what is convenient and less
expensive, I admit it.  I just think that it's lucky we are in an industry /
business where being greener and doing what is better and cheaper all line

My sister's company issued a "green offer" to the employees that it would
pay for a bicycle for any employee that would ride it to work.  So my sister
jumped on it, got a great new bicycle and rides it to work every day and is
the world's biggest enthusiast now.  She's lost weight and says she feels 20
years younger. It's a huge triple win.
I thought I might hear a few stories like my sister's company bicycle. I
guess these kinds of initiatives are still rare, but expect they will become
more common -- both for the "marketing appeal" of being able to claim
greenness and because of the price of gas.

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