pablolie;497466 Wrote: 
> I'd rather spend my time looking at their issues than debating
> theoretical issues with a fellow Linux user whose system also works
> (although he seemingly doesn't follow the install issues in the Linux
> forums here).
> Happy Holidays!

Theoretical?  I thought you said this affected everyone...

I follow the install issues just fine: people need to set up their
system correctly.  There is NO secure way to grant the SBS user rights
to read arbirtary files unless you grant read permissions to the SBS


That is the way Linux works.

It is -not- an SBS issue any more than the Windows requirements for
permissions on network shares.

It is an operating system issue, and it is actually a security feature,
so take it up with the OS vendor and explain why file system permissions
should be ignored or changed automatically.

> The fact is that because of unsuccessful installations users are forced
> to sudo and gksudo around their system typically assigning universal
> acess to their external devices (check the title of the topic). Not a
> good thing.

This is wrong.

Even on something with mostly unimplemented permissions like NTFS, the
external drive can be mounted with a fixed group ID which can be used to
grant read permissions to the SBS while retaining another userid for

But it is NOT the job of any package to change permissions on your file

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