Hi Folks, I think this is a great idea!  (fwiw...)

I first started using SBS back in about 2010 and following some article
some where spun up vortexbox under kvm as the easiest way to get things
up and running.  Technology's changed a bit since then and having been
away from SBS for a few years (having moved 1/2 way round the world)
containers have come on the scene.  So, I've recently got my head (a
bit) around docker/ podman stuff and I'm running
https://hub.docker.com/r/jboesl/logitechmediaserver.  It's great and
using a minuscule amount of resources cf a KVM.  I'm looking at changing
to https://github.com/justifiably/docker-logitechmediaserver given the
endorsement by epoch
and his input into this thread.  So, to me, containers seem the 'best'
distribution solution for something like LMS/SBS/SC/SS...  In answer to
'Why would Joe Average start at all with docker?'
- because it's easier and less resource hungry than a VM...?  (And
perhaps to become much easier given the work being done on

I've been tracking through this discussion and would like to find the
latest experiment at an 'official' docker image - is there such a thing?
And, if so, where does it live?

Also, how do I use the automatic update feature from within a
container... (perhaps that's a different thread)?  I've just been sent
the message:
> An updated version of Logitech Media Server is available and ready to
> install.
> On some Linux distributions we provide an automatic download of Logitech
> Media Server update installers. These currently are available for .rpm
> and .deb based systems.
> Your Logitech Media Server has downloaded the latest installer to the
> following location:
> /config/cache/updates/logitechmediaserver_8.0.0~1601590552_amd64.deb
> Please execute the following steps to bring your Logitech Media Server
> installation up to date:
> * Log in to your server machine using your username and password.
> * Run the following command to execute the installer
> * sudo dpkg -i
> /config/cache/updates/logitechmediaserver_8.0.0~1601590552_amd64.deb

resides under
but installing that on the host isn't going to do any good...  I'm not
asking how to get into the container, but is there something in LMS
settings that I'm missing?


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