Björnke von Gierke wrote:

On Jul 01 2005, at 01:29, Dennis Brown wrote:

I would be MORE than happy to segregate my posts into the two different categories. There is a lot of traffic on this list, it would make sense to divide up the traffic into these two areas.

There is an Improve Rev list, but only rich people are allowed to participate there (aka Enterprise owners). That is RunRev's decision, not mine of course...

I'm far from rich, just an early adopter from a time when $995 was the only price offered for getting on this bandwagon. Since it paid for itself in the first quarter afterward, I've never regretted the purchase. Most of my clients are from the era as well and they've never questioned the value of that purchase, though none of them own vacation homes on exotic New Zealand beaches (well, one does, but he lives there).

I believe the philosophy of limiting the improve-rev list to Enterprise users is pretty much what's been expressed by other list members here: there's a wide gulf between productive exchange that results in specific recommendations, and simple whingeing. The presumption is that professionals whose livelihood is dependent on the product will demonstrate a stronger focus on productive outcomes.

Reading the posts here it seems no one would particularly mind recommendations for product improvement delivered here with productive professionalism.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
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