Good luck Henry, You woke up this list for a moment.

My advice to you (valid with any 3d software), stick with SDS (Subdivision) only, any other modeling tool is useless now that SDS exist.
If you master SDS you master all the modeling you will ever need.
Do your boolean operations by hand. Everything can (including blob) can be done with SDS.
I was a skeptic a while ago, now I am a believer. SDS only, always.

As long as you master the points, edge, polygon, you are free.
Sculpt4D (3D software from 80's) had only point by point modeling, and yet people were doing miracles.

Any other modeling feature is a waste of time, the time it takes to figure them out, you could have done it manually with SDS. Like too many people in 3D you seem to rely heavily on features instead of doing things directly manually.

Come back to show us your work even if it is not made with RS.

Jean-Sebastien Perron

Henry Tjernlund wrote:
Thanks everyone, and sorry for my earlier ranting. But I think I'm
going to be setting RS aside for a while. Its not the solution I had
hoped it to be. Maybe when I saw the magazine at the newsstand I
confused the program with another famous one with a similar name.
Right now my life is in too much chaos to deal the additional
frustration of learning a new program that has too many irregularities
for me to deal with. I'm out of work, on the verge of loosing my home,
and worst I am very worried I am coming down with glaucoma. I had
hoped RS would have been the replacement for my aging (and academic
license) versions of other software, but so far I am not seeing it
having any capabilities as opposed to other software that I have and
already know better how to use. A musician friend wants me to do cover
art for a music CD he's working on. I had thought about using RS, but
there is not enough time to learn it well enough. I was planning or
making some interlocking blobbies (the kind of music is called "filk"
and of a science fiction and fantasy folk variety, so he wants a
rather abstract SF/F art for it.).

Anyway, thanks for being tolerant, and I'm sure that RS has some
qualities that i have yet to discover. Right now though, with all my
other problems going on, I can't really deal with it right now.


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