Jonathan Revusky wrote:
> As regards insults, there is a difference of perspective here. My own
> feeling is that in all of my posts I have exercised a great degree of
> self-restraint. 

Unless you count being able to state your view concisely.

> [...] people literally claim that the managers of the project do not
> have to listen to criticism. 

They don't! Perhaps they _should_ (and, quite frankly, I believe they
_do_, but I don't expect them to _act_ on it).

I still do not understand from whence this obligation comes.

> I strongly believe that a guiding principle the basic idea of open
> source is that if someone is willing and able to pitch in, they should
> have the chance to do so.

It appears as though you believe that if someone is willing and able to
pitch in that they should have commit rights, which is not really the
same thing.

>> Jonathan only arrived in this community part way through this thread,
>> hopefully he'll get bored and leave soon.
> Well, the truth is that hanging around here is not a very enriching
> experience.

So... um... why are you still here?


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