On 10/07/2008 05:12 PM, John Jason Jordan wrote:
> On Tue, 07 Oct 2008 13:10:40 -0700 NoOp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> dijo:
>> Have you tried any of the others listed on the above link? 
>> <http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Bibliographic_Software_and_Standards_Information>
[snip good info]
> Now let's suppose I'm editing my paper and decide to delete the
> citation for Henry. The instant I delete the citation in the text the
> reference entry will be also deleted from the references section. Or
> suppose I decide to add a citation for another work. Again, the entry
> for the work will be automatically added in the references section.
> This is an enormous timesaver for academic work. I am really
> impressed. I will never laboriously type out a References section for
> a paper again.
> There are a few issues that need work in Zotero, but it's pretty cool
> as it is. I have decided that it is what I am going to use. And if I
> ever change my mind, Zotero can export my library to any of various
> other programs.

Thanks! I reckon that you've just caused me to go out & learn something
else/new... I've my college son (2nd year) on Ubuntu & OOo (no
Microsoft) and if I can figure out how to use this properly then I'll
have another tool to add to his system. Besides that, it's always cool
when dad shows him how to use new features/addons to OOo :-)

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