On Tuesday 31 October 2006 12:02 pm, John Rudd wrote:

> > Telecom Italia is used to put RDNSes with something like this:
> >
> >  host1-84-static.48-88-b.business.telecomitalia.it.
> They would not be banned from the e-mail world.

Not every provider in Italy gives us this luxury. Not even every available 
service contract with Telecom Italia itself.

> Instead, they would:
> a) be heavily encouraged to get a custom RDNS record, OR

This would be nice, but it's impossible. They don't care and their customer 
support has no idea of what a RDNS is.

> b) be heavily encouraged to send outgoing email through their ISP*, OR

Of course they have a SMTP server. I'm really surprised when a message makes 
it throu, thought. It's a rare occurrance. On the other hand their SMTP 
server hands out a lot of spam. :)
It's a real boon for those of us that supply mail server solutions. ;)

> c) be heavily encouraged to use a hosted email service that has a custom
> RDNS record instead of a client-looking RDNS record, OR

Beats the usefulness of an in house mail server.

> d) accept that their email is going to be quarantined (not banned).


I know that the problem lays in Telecom Italia's hands, but we don't have much 
choice (we have formal competition, but it's really a monopoly).
I'll just be glad if our whole country won't be mass quarantined. We have 
rather successfull anti-spam legislation and, except for botnets, really 
little spam originates here.

   Massimiliano Hofer

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