On Sun, 02 Aug 2009 01:42:21 +0200
Karsten Bräckelmann <guent...@rudersport.de> wrote:

> On Sat, 2009-08-01 at 16:13 -0700, an anonymous Nabble user wrote:
> > And the last problem: When I get mail with sign autolearn=ham so I
> > tried type sa-learn --spam --file mail. When I got the same mail so
> > spamassassin mark the mail again autolearn=ham.How is it possible

It's not the same spam, it'll have different headers.

> > when I learn bayes by hand (sa-learn --spam --file mail) that this
> > mail is spam? I have explicit set in local.cf bayes_min_spam_num 1.
> > This means that for bayes is sufficient one mail for
> > learning(according to me). But it dosesnt work.

It's not like pyzor where you set a threshold, it's a statistical
filter, you have to feed it hundreds of mails before it produces
reliable results, hence the 200 spam minimum.

> Do NOT do that.
> Unless you *really* understand the implications. Which you don't.
> It's a default for a reason.
> It's a counter-measure against bad learning, to force at least some
> MINIMAL manual training, before auto-learning kicks in. You just side-
> stepped that.

AFAIK it doesn't affect autoleaning at all, bayes_min_spam_num &
bayes_min_ham_num control when scoring starts.

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