Am 13.10.2015 um 21:24 schrieb Larry Goldman:
So, it is not possible to simplify the process of managing an email server via 
an easy-to-use software user interface?

not really

someone needs to understand the setup *and* maintain it because spam is a moving target - there is no easy solution other than hire somebody doing the things you don't want to do

i spent personally around 3000 workhours in the last year to provide a as perfect as possible spamfilter with zero false positives for our customers and many pieces of the solution are not available in public and won't even run on other environments

i admit that the time i invested is excessive and not possible when you write invoices for it - but that's what i felt need to invest to get *my personal* result of beeing satisfied

On Oct 13, 2015, at 12:19 PM, Reindl Harald <> wrote:


the idea of cpanel, webmin and what not is trying to provide a reduced and 
limited interface for users with no clue and give them the felling they have 
some clue what they are doing

if you rely on capnel you better maintain no public server at all, take money 
and pay somebody who knows what he is doing

and NO - that's not unfriendly, it's just the truth, maintaining mailservices 
is a FULLTIME-JOB and that won't change in the near future

Am 13.10.2015 um 21:15 schrieb Larry Goldman:
The _idea_ of CPanel is a good one: a low-cost, do-it-all solution which a 
broader range of tech-savvy users can manage. It seems that the current 
GoDaddy/CPanel configuration I’m using is obviously not up to the task of 
distinguishing SPAM in today’s world.

If there is not an easy fix within their black box, I’ll consider hosting my 
own email on OS X Server: full apache, full SA.

On Oct 13, 2015, at 12:07 PM, Reindl Harald <> wrote:

Am 13.10.2015 um 21:02 schrieb Larry Goldman:
I’ve seen CPanel hosted on several other ISPs. It would be quite unfortunate 
(for them and for their users) if their email product could not reliably catch 

and i have seen so much shit from ISP's long ago that i started in 2005 to host 
and implement anything we need on own infrastrcuture with own deployments and 
finally even replaced a spamfilter-applicance from a million-dollar-company 
specialized for spamfiltering with own solutions

they all sell SpamAssassin and other free components wrapped in layers over 
layers (cPanel is one of the definite crap in that layers) and finally sell 
shit for money

do it yourself or live with the results

what you can't expect is serious help on upstream mailing lists fro SA burried 
inside a dozen of crap layers likely nobody on that planet knows how thinhgs 
are realy configured

On Oct 13, 2015, at 11:56 AM, Reindl Harald <> wrote:

Am 13.10.2015 um 20:40 schrieb Larry Goldman:
It seems that CPanel is an independent product that GoDaddy serves. It
may be that the version of CPanel in use is not using up-to-date SA,
which is a problem.

How can I determine which version of SA is being used, without terminal

you can't, you have only a limited blackbox and get what you pay for - sorry - 
invest time and money or live with what you get

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