Don't have time to update to 1.4 yet, so I haven't been following this
thread much, but I did see this go by:

> > 2) the wicket web site now suggests the following code for generic
> > components:
> > 
> > @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
> > public final T getModelObject()
> > {
> >         return (T)getDefaultModelObject();
> > }

Normally, it shouldn't be necessary to have to use casting with
generics. In fact, the idea is that if no casting is used (along with a
few other constraints that I don't remember off hand), then the code is
guaranteed to be type safe.

In other words... something seems not quite right with the code above
because of the cast.

Sorry if I'm bringing up something already discussed. Like I said, I
haven't really been following this thread.


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