
I did one Project with JSF and two with Wicket. 

By far Wicket is much easier to handle, (nearly) everything works as supposed, 
which is not true for JSF, especially when it comes to external Libraries 
like Trinidad or other UI Extension Libraries.

One other thing which is important for me is the Productivity.  And this is 
much higher with Wicket than with JSF.

The Community support is suberb with Wicket, and somewhat difficult when you 
check the JSF Forums, but this depends on the Manufactor of the Library you 

I don't want to slash JSF here, but I find it is miles away from a usable 
Product. For me it looks more like a prototype of what could be possible. 
Just check what happened from 1.1  to 1.2, and you see, that even Sun seemed 
to face this.


Am Mittwoch, 6. August 2008 11:13:53 schrieb nlif:
> Hi all,
> We are in the process of selecting a web-framework, and although I am in
> favor of Wicket, I was asked to provide an objective comparison of Wicket
> with JSF. I have developed a few small apps in Wicket, but I admit I am not
> very familiar with JSF. Prior to posting here, I googled a bit, and found a
> few forum-threads and blog posts on this topic, but most are from 1-2 years
> ago and in framework years, this may be considered obsolete.
> Although this is the Wicket forum, I expect there are people here who also
> used (or at least evaluated) JSF at some point, so I'd be happy if folks
> here could share their experience. If anyone can point me to useful links
> that would be great too.
> I really am not trying to provoke a flame war, just to gather information.
> In your opinion, what are Wicket strengths? What are JSF's ? (even if
> you're a Wicket fan, surely there's something ;)
> I would be interested to hear people thoughts regarding the fact the JSF is
> a standard, while Wicket is not. How important is that to you? In what ways
> do you think this matters (if at all)?
> Also, supposedly JSF has a larger selection of 3rd party components
> compared to Wicket. Is this true? how often do you find yourself rolling
> your own components and how hard is it to do so in Wicket (and I mean
> non-trivial-good-looking-Ajax-enabled stuff).
> Many thanks in advance.

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